Friday 19 September 2014

The Miz Smells What The Rock Is Booking

I got one finger, I got one tongue, and I got your mommas best pleasure interests at heart

Imagine Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was the chief booker at WWE. Imagine that for a moment if you will. An other worldly scenario. Having a world class movie athlete working a regular 9-5 type of job. Crazy. Dwayne lives by this motto you see, a motto that sets him apart from the common man, the motto of "eat...sleep....multitask.....mess around with traditional slogan structure...conquer...repeat" and with that in mind he decided to combine making a new one hour TV Special called "How I Met Your Brother"  (which is the story about two guys meeting at the bowling, and one guy telling the other guy's sister about it) with being the decision guy at wwe. Head of creative. Chief imperial master of booking. He strolls in, day one, writers...road agents, the whole team. Conference room...NOW.

They all pile in as Rocky hastily changes into a bright blue suit, asking everyone "is the wig overkill? a little too much?" Aye Rocky san, the wig is too much. Unless it was some outwardly comedic Don King lookin shit, but thats just a bog standard wig mate. No good enough. The subject of the meeting was simple

"How quickly can we get The Miz, dressed in a full suit of armour, being led by a stable of Sheiks who all own one quarter of him, calling themselves 'We Own The Knight' "

Up piped Dean Malenko, as he loudly proclaimed "I'd say we could get that done fairly quickly boss!"  settling back into his chair giggling like fuck, muttering "fuck the fuckin Miz" under his breath. So it was settled. The Miz's new gimmick. The only thing left to do was to tell the man himself.

Telling him was mainly a question of which part of his schedule do you feel it would impact the most. The Rock wanted to this to ruin The Miz's day as much as possible, so he surveyed a schedule that include "6am reps....6.15am selfie......6.20 back to reps" and decided that the 2 hours Miz sets aside every day to watch recorded episodes of Countdown, memorise all the best words and the solutions to the numbers game, then re-watch the show with friends and dazzle them with your mad numericals, and slick word game. 4pm-6pm. Every day. Without fail. The Rock wanted to deliver this news in person, so he showed up just as Miz was setting the VCR and delivered the bad news.

"But......I cant......We Own The Knight? would I ever wrestle?"

"That's what you've been doing all this time? Nah man, no more wrestling for you. Just you being owned by a bunch of Sheiks. They dont even wrestle either. The whole thing is geared towards humiliating you as much as possible"

"Oh" The Miz paused for a second to consider his next move. Does he voice his displeasure at this turn of events? Does he refuse the gimmick? Or does he remain a "team player" take his medicine, and do the job. He didnae even have time to think on it for long when Rock landed one "POW!" right on his kisser. Knocked Miz the fuck out.

"What the hell was that for?!" Implored The Miz, and blood trickled down from his nose, being caught by his trembling bottom lip.

"Well was to teach you a lesson, sometimes even when you accept your fate with good grace, Dwayne Johnson punches you the fuck out anyway"


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