Friday 19 September 2014

Oh I Just Cant Wait To Be Free

"Why can't our people be free papa?" Jacob wondered, not for the first time.

"Ah my child, our people do want freedom, they just dont know what freedom is yet.....they're scared" said his father, cradling his young son.

"But why would the people be more scared of things going from bad to worse, than hopeful about things going from bad to good?" said a bemused Jacob. Wiping the sleep for his eyes. At 15 he was probably a bit big (or nearly adult) to be cradled by his father, but its fine. He's Da's a basketball player, so he's pure massive and proportion wise it would look fine if Jacob didn't have a moustache. Don't worry about this at all. Minor detail in the story. Adding some "colour" to it. Seriously. Read on. This bit's pointless.

"Because they're Scottish son...that's how they're built"

Welcome to the land where pessimism previals.

When things are bad for the majority, and you have a chance to change that, don't be a fucking shitebag. Don't wuss out. It's nae good that wee Jacob has to ask his da why he can't be free. Its nae good that Jacob might not get his tuition paid for when he goes to Uni, so he has less student loan money to spunk up a wall on new trainers, and fruit rollups, or whatever the bairns are intae these days. Scotland had a chance to change. To change for Jacob, his moddycoddling Da, and various other hopeful cunts. We voted against that change because of fear. Because of self preservation. I'm sure most peoples reasons for voting no are good ones, that make sense to them as individuals, but anyone who voted Yes or No based on religion or yer fuckin fitba team, you're the kind of cunts that will continually derail the future. Cause you're living in the past.

Don't demonise the old folk either. These are folk who traditionally rely on newspapers and tv for thier information on current affairs, so if you believe these mediums to be corrupt, and feel strongly enough about indepedance that an alternative source of info should be available. Give them one. Visit each and every over 70 and shout "YES!" in their face till they either agree to join ye, or they drop deid. Either way, thats them out the equation. Not even pretending this is a story really am I? I'll return to the narrative now...anyway....

At the breakfast table the next morning, Jacob decided to annoy his auld da with more questions about the bloody future of all things!
"Will the people ever see sense papa?" Jacob posed thoughtfully, whilst carefully adding the words "kaleidoscope with horns" to his christmas list.

"Awrite, first of all, I'm yer da...stop calling me 'papa' like yer some weird Beret wearing Etonian cunt, and secondly...naw...naw they won't...."

"Why not?"

"Cause they're Scottish son...told ye that last night, ye really need to take notes from these wee brainstorming sessions we eat yer cereal"

There ye go Scotland. Eat yer cereal. Its Frosties btw. All the patter they give ye up is about the Vitamins and Calcium ye get from eating Frosties, and its only afterwards when yer teeth start rotting and the doctor diagnoses you with "super diabetes" that you realise Frosties were a terrible choice. A very bad choice.

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