Another tin of Aldi beans goes into another pot, another imitation Twix gets shared between a young lad and his 13 siblings. Another day in our fair land where hauf the folk cannae afford tae eat, and the other half don't gie a fuck. Better together as generations march together in the name of free food. Fuckin freeloading NATIONALIST SCUM.
I saw a wee video last night and it shook me. Its made storytelling a wee bit difficult, when we're nearing full scale riots in Glasgow, because some people are sore winners. Sore WINNERS for fuck sake. People who do not see victory as a chance for harmony, and a chance to move on and create a better Scotland together. Nah. These cunts fired a Union Jack on their back, found out when and where their next local Orange Walk was taking place, and piled intae Glesga to sing The Famine Song. My old man has always been a very tolerant, fair man, but when it comes to The Old Firm divide, there always been a very clear sense of "we're both awful, but they're slightly worse" I always scoffed at that. There's bad eggs on baith sides I'd say. it helps no one to generalise. Lets all move forward to create a better Old Firm together. It was always in vain. Cause ye know what? He was right. They are a wee bit worse. Maybe they weren't before, but some of them are now. Some of them voted with their fuckin eyes closed and that's when your stupidity becomes dangerous. Not when you mobilise the young and the elderly. When you mobilise cunts who stoat about Glasgow City Centre, steaming, screaming bigoted slogans at people who wanted a better future for their children. How fucking dare you. Get back in the queue at the foodbank, get back to scratching and clawing. There's a box of Muesli in today. Make sure ye try and grab that. Eat yer cereal son. Its the best thing for it. Forget about all this and eat yer cereal.
Glasgow needs to stand up to this. If we allow the cretins to turn this in to another fucking Old Firm thing, we'll never be free of it. A rivalry I used to identify with, and at times, I'll no lie, I personally centered my miserable existence on the fucking thing. It absorbs good people and turns them temporarily bad, but the bad people turn intae fucking monsters. Pigheaded idiots who see nothing but their own agenda and see those idiots? They run Glasgow right now. They won. The people spoke, and the silent majority got their way, but now they're not content with silence any more. They want to stand shoulder to shoulder wae their brothers and sisters, who they're not sure if they might actually be their real brothers n sisters. Does it really matter? Blood's thicker than water, but there's fuck all thicker on planet earth than an Old Firm fan who thinks their opinion matters. An Old Firm fan who thinks The Old Firm still matter. In 2014, we have people voting against a better future for themselves and their children, and a chance for this country to be governed by its own, because of football. Having an agenda open up and swallow you. They unite with the real "no" voters, embarrassed at how poorly run the currently gloating "no" campaign was, but still strong enough in their reasoned, educated beliefs that "no" was the right option for this country. As much as a large percentage of our population are good no's and deserve to have their opinion heard and respected, without the bigots voting because football and their religious identity told them to, you don't win. These people made it happen, and they're making as much noise about it as possible.
Maybe the story will be different next time. Maybe if we get this opportunity again, a nation will be divided once again, before being unified again by a more accepting Scotland, or maybe we will continue to "obey our queen" and bow down to intimidation, till the day we draw our last, rotten breath.
Don't look at the man with the painted face son. He'll poison yer mind. Be seen and not heard. Eat yer cereal.
Fuckin Australian anyway int he? Typical immigrant. That script should have been put in a pile tae James Mcavoy was old enough to do the role justice.
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